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Campbell Collections

cnr Gladys Mazibuko Rd/Marriot Rd, & Stephen Dlamini Rd/Essenwood Rd, Essenwood 031-207-3432 R20

S 29 50.099 E 031 00.285

Campbell Collections is home to one of the best collections of African art and cultural artifacts in the country and is housed in the former home of Natal sugar farmer and politician Marshall Campbell. Campbell's daughter Killie made collecting African art her life's passion and when she died in 1965 she bequeathed her treasures to the University of Natal. The attached Mashu Museum of Ethnology, named after Sir Marshall Campbell himself, contains an impressive array of field sketches and watercolor paintings by Barbara Tyrrell as well as beadwork representing the distinct styling of the Zulu, Ndebele and Nguni of KwaZulu-Natal. Visits are by appointment only and include an excellent tour of the premises.

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Campbell Collections